Ordinance 183893 is concerned with the definition and compliance of buildings identified for the seismic retrofit program. Specifically, Ordinance 183893 applies the retrofit requirement to:
Ordinance 183893 also prioritizes the identification and selection of buildings in the following manner:
Ordinance 184081 is concerned with the Time Limits for Compliance for the seismic retrofit program. Specifically, Ordinance 184081 applies the time limits compliance in the following manner:
You Need to Retrofit if:
While this can all be quite confusing and if you feel like you might not need to consider a retrofit because it doesn’t match the criteria mentioned above, wait up! The ordinances only apply to wooden structures and non-ductile concrete structures for now. However, it is always wise to check if your building is earthquake ready and if a retrofit may be required.
The Department of Building and Safety has already identified the buildings that require a seismic retrofit in the city of Los Angeles and has sent out notices to each of the property owners requiring them to start work on their properties.
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