VertPro® Energy Benchmarking Platform


This “Agreement” is between you (“client”, “you” or “your”) and Vert Energy Group, Inc. DBA VertPro (“Vert”, “we” “us” or “our”). It consists of (1) the below Price Sheet and (2) the attached terms & conditions, and is effective on the date you agree to this Agreement (by electronic acceptance) and shall supersede all prior existing agreements between you and Vert.

Price Sheet

Client Contact Information


Phone Number:

Vert Contact Information

Vert Energy Group, Inc. DBA VertPro

100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 900, Irvine, CA 92691

(800) 585-2690

Project Details


Energy Audit Law:

Energy Audit Deadline:

Building Type:

Cooling Type:

Gross Floor Area: sq.ft

Payment Type: Cash

Price: total

Services Included
  • Energy Audit
  • VertPro Upgrades (5 years Free)
One-Time Payment

Your one-time payment of this agreement will be:

You may cancel this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, within 10 days of the transaction date.

  • Compliance Guarantee: Ensure that 100% of properties comply with all energy laws.
  • Penalty Protection Guarantee: We keep you in compliance or we pay the fines for you.
  • Simplify Compliance & Improvements: One platform to manage all Energy Audit, Benchmark and Building Upgrade projects


  • Introduction. This Energy Audit Agreement is between you and Vert for the purchase of an Energy Audit, Water Audit, and/or Retro-Commissioning (“Audit”) as required by applicable local laws or by request. A list of services included in this agreement can be found in the above Price Sheet. You agree to “One-Time Payment” detailed in the Price Sheet. This is a legally binding agreement, so please read everything carefully including all of the exhibits.
  • Eligibility. You agree to the following:
    • You have the full power and authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of all title holders to this property;
    • You are responsible for any conditions that prevent completion of the Audit (e.g. access to building systems, documentation, utility data (energy and water), or any necessary repairs as required to comply with related local laws).
  • Penalty Protection Guarantee. We guarantee that all service performed by Vert will be accepted by the authority having jurisdiction (“AHJ”). If any violations resul t from negligence, or failure to complete the agreed upon scope of work on-time, Vert will pay any resulting fines (up to a $5,000) on your behalf. However, Vert is not responsible for any violations or fines received that result from any conditions that prevent completion of the Audit (e.g. access to building systems, documentation, utility data (energy and water), or any necessary repairs as required to comply with related local laws).
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