VertPro® Energy Benchmarking Platform

Chicago Facade Inspection Compliance Assistance

Inspection Deadline: Dec 1st for Your Corresponding Year

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Energy Benchmarking 6 Pitfalls


Short Form inspections are visual only. To qualify for a short form inspection, you must make an early request. Your building must also be in good standing with the city. Your buildings category, and the metals used in its construction also determine its qualification.


Critical Exams are far more expensive and complicated. The inspection is more in depth and close up. Physical contact with the exterior walls must be made using scaffolding. the inspection report to be filed for the city will contain far more information and imagery.

To simplify compliance with Chicago facade inspections, sign up for a free webinar. We will let you know what kinds of compliance measures your building will need to take. We can also get you free bids from qualified, licensed Illinois structural engineers to preform your inspections.

For any questions, you may reach me at or give me a call at (949) 200-7728.