VertPro® Energy Benchmarking Platform

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Use VERTPRO® UPGRADES to find and hire top pros for all your building improvements (e.g. Lighting, HVAC, Solar, EV Chargers, Elevators, etc)

  • Save Time. We eliminate the need to look for, and communicate, with multiple contractors.
  • Hire Confidently. We check their licenses, references, online reviews, and project history.
  • Compare Bids Easier. Our Bid Comparison Tool allows you to easily compare all proposals and contractors side-by-side.
  • Get Multiple Bids! Create an account to start planning and getting bids today.

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VertPro® Upgrades

One platform to get competitive bids on all your projects.


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VertPro® Upgrades

Technology Helps Building Owners Get More Done With Less

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VertPro® Upgrades, a Building Owner’s Best Friend

VertPro® is a one-stop shop SaaS platform for building owners to improve energy efficiency and make building improvements. From obtaining multiple pre-screened bids for various energy projects (like HomeAdvisor, for CRE), to searching for Utility Rebates, to getting professional help identifying which upgrades are best for your specific building, VertPro simplifies energy efficiency and compliance across your portfolio.